The Institute has been created to fill a space which has been open for some time in the West.

The themes and materials which are available through The Institute have mainly been the domain of Eastern countries and their cultures.

When knowledge is truly available at a given place, it does not need to be imported as a strange cultural or social phenomenon. It can be given a Western format to introduce it to the West, where it has not been done in this way before.

The Institute is doing away with the old Eastern formats and has given it a form proper to the needs of this time and Western communities. A form which will not cause a conditioned response of acceptance or rejection of an outward form, and that does not have the appearance of a religious context, being that by adopting a format which appears to be religious, the student may be further removed from the knowledge which this Institute wants to develop in those who form part of it. To believe that certain attitudes and external behaviors are essential in obtaining the knowledge which enables mankind to achieve development will never be useful. If the student can give firm steps towards, step by step, consolidating the knowledge to arrive at levels of Consciousness and Inner Life of a higher quality, without external attitudes and postures which seem “religious” to him or her, the student will save much time.

Many people of the West have been searching for a context where They can learn to Be – and to Understand. Maybe they intuitively feel this is what they were born for.

The format and the energy is now available for this to happen.



1.- The time has come for the people of the West to start developmental Inner Work without the formats of other cultures.

2.- This can come about when there is the energy to do so.

3.- People have thought that developmental activities for mankind have come about accidentally through the centuries on this planet. It is important to inform them that this has been done consciously by those who know and are in charge of doing so. The students will be given access to materials which will help them to understand this.

4.- The Institute is a format for such a developmental context to come to life at this time, and with the people we are addressing. This format does not include speaking about formulations of the past.

5.- The materials to be studied, the way they are to be studied and used, and the way people will be selected for this Work, is completely in obedience to the task at hand.

6.- The type of knowledge that will be available is the essential knowledge which humanity has received in successive waves throughout its history. It is esoteric for those who do not know of it´s existence.

It has had many formats in different epochs, according to the time, the place and the people involved.

7.- At present this Institute will direct the available energy to those who can at present profit by it´s availability and the materials and instruments which are at it´s disposal.

8.- The Institute will be able to disseminate the knowledge of it´s existence by many means, which include texts such as the one you are now reading. The duration of it´s activities will be as long as there is the available energy to support it. This can be measured in years, decades, etc.

9.- The Objective is clearly to provide men and women with the means whereby they can achieve their full potential : to BE, to SERVE and to UNDERSTAND. This is done mainly by the activation of the Special Organs of Perception.

10.- It will be important for those who will become students of the Institute to adhere to the curriculum as closely as possible, as would be done in any Higher Study which is available for mankind. Mixing these studies with other forms of what seem to be useful studies to the student will be discouraged, so that we can use energy, time and effort to the maximum of it´s potential.

11.- To obtain and maintain physical health will be part of the curriculum. Inner Health and Development will be another side of the study program.

12.- The Institute considers that it is not possible to try to obtain inner or spiritual development if physical health is not present and vice versa.

13.- The Direction of the Institute considers that it is important to tell those to whom this material is directed that there is no time to be wasted and that need will be the main factor to consider when accepting students; as well as the correct attitude.

14.- The Institute considers that it is very important to differentiate cultural contexts from developmental activities in which man can obtain what he needs to develop his Inner Being by means of the energy, the materials and practices, which are available.

Students will be expected to continue with the cultural and social contexts of their family background if that is what they need to produce a harmonious balance with the society in which they live.

15.- It is important that the student dedicates a good part of his or her time to Study and Inner Work if he or she wants this study to produce accordingly. The practice of exercises, reading, the generation of a high quality Life and profession, the study of the effects of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, will be some of the themes to which he or she will dedicate time and attention.

16.- Students are asked to consider that the study course which the Institute offers is one which should need a maximum time to complete, and to then replenish it into the society in which the student lives.

If the student does not dedicate the time, real interest and qualitative attention which are necessary, he or she will have to find another way of study, soon after contacting, being that the Institute does not have any interest in being a social or cultural context for the student.

17.- We ask all students to obtain, the personal use of an email address to frequently communicate with the Direction of his or her studies. If he or she cannot do this, the Institute considers that the person is not in a condition to start studying in the Institute.

For the student to comfortably find a position, as would be done in a Club and in this way become a passive member of one more context is not possible with relation to the Institute, being that it does not offer this type of activity or social study.

18.- The Institute is conscious of the fact that all human contexts are in need of the economic and other means, to be able to achieve it´s goals, and it is through the generosity of the donations of the students, that it is able to fulfil it´s objectives, for the good of the students and of the public with whom it has and will have contact.

Instituto Alef asks students to do their best efforts to obtain the best economy possible and to administrate it in the best possible manner, for this is important for his or her life.

The Institute does not receive monthly or yearly dues from the students. If at a given time the student wants to donate something or some sum to the Institute, they can communicate this so that the Director can consider and or approve it.

19.- The student is offered a direct and constant Direction in his or her studies. Groups will not be formed. This is done with the purpose of achieving a better dynamic and speed in the studies.

Meetings of students with the Director of their studies will be planned when he considers it necessary.

If you are interested in our studies please write to Instituto Alef: – giving us your full Name, address, age, phones, languages you speak and write, and concisely describing what you have read and practiced in your search for Inner Knowledge and Development and what you would be willing to do to start your studies in this direction.